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Matt's best quotes

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view post Posted on 21/11/2010, 17:18 by: Elianaxcore

Matt "I knew who Jimmy was before hand [they where friends] 'cause he was a local legend."
Interviewer "For what reason?"
Matt "The biggest trouble maker in the whole city. And everyone knew who Jimmy Sullivan was. I wasn't allowed to hang out with him."
Jimmy "I wasn't allowed into anyones house, dude." (Love Line, October 2007)

Steven :Q2: In the mv "Almost Easy" were they all ideas from the band or others?
Matt "There's a Wendy's commercial. All these people are running 'cause they want the same hamburger"
Zack "We get inspired by the weirdest stuff."
Steven "Your serious! A Wendy's add?" (<-- mi rifiuto di crederci, ma ok: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Qd5UEfs4W8&feature=related)

People don't sell records anymore. So we're making cartoons! (<-- ve lo ricordate?? :ph34r: )

There's Synyster Gates, aka Bam Margera. (commenti sul video di Size the Day-fantastico sentirli prendersi per il culo da soli)

Yeah, we get dudes trying to look like us all the time. Some of the fat chicks even try and dress up like Zacky!

They had eaten a bunch of estrogens... and cut it off

I think you gotta have balls to be an Avenged fan sometimes. A lot of our fans get hated on just as much as us. To me Avenged fans aren't just fans of a band, they are fans of everything that surrounds it, like a life style. We live it, you live it. You go to the shows and you can feel it. It's a great experience and people that aren't involved will never understand. So they can stand on the side lines and talk, but we will continue to do just what makes us happy. :wub:

Hard work is what also accounts for the band's fiercly loyal following, according to shadows.

It's rewarding cause you know you have this really solid core fan base that's been through alot and they believe in the band now as more than a band, it's like a lifestyle. If anything happens we don't ever fall, it's like they're holding us up. We're not on the radio, but everywhere we go we always have this rabid group of fans. We would've never had that if we had some lucky break and just jumped to the point we're at now. I hope it gradually keeps going up. The slower you go the more it keeps building underneath you and we're grateful for that. They can't just get pulled out from underneath us. There's nothing you can grab to pull; it's fans that love this band. So it's very gratifying to be at this place now. :wub:

We're making a video for Beast and the Harlot, and it's all based around our bass player, Johnny Christ.

We figured our fans would be the most likely to paint themselves black and run around all day.

Okay, this is kind of hard to swallow. Yeah so am I.

It's just a good reason to take my shirt off! (Making of Afterlife video)

Are your fingers getting tired yet? (a Zacky durante un concerto)

Oh, a 'photo'!... I thought you said a 'frodo'. I was like, what's that? (quando un fan gli chiese una foto :facepalm: )

We are just trying to make music, and if people like it, then that's awesome. Be youself and like what you like, fuck everyone else.

Female Caller- "I wanna know, how far can you get [the talk box tube] down?"
Shadows- "Oh, I dunno... Prolly could. I could get 14 inches, y'know."
Shadows- "I'm really awesome."
Gates- "He took my 3."
Shadows- "Yeah, I took Gates' three, I took Zacky's ten, I took Johnny's one..."
Caller- "Oh, you're gross!"
Shadows- "I'M gross?!"
Gates- "You're the one that asked!!"

They put corn, canned corn, on their pizza-----like, who does that y'know?! (Matt esprime il suo apprezzamento per la cucina Inglese)

When you were growing up, which rock star did you pretend to be in front of the bedroom mirror?
Matt: [massive pause]...
Jimmy: [massive pause]... I don't even remember what the question was.
Metal Hammer: Which rock star did you pretend to be? Did you pretend to be Kate Bush and tuck your cock in between your legs?
Matt: Yes! Everyone tucks their dick between their legs and checks it out in the mirror! Everyone has done that!
Jimmy: Yeah, just like everyone tries to suck their own dick.
Hammer: Did you make it though?
Jimmy: I possibly might have.
Matt: It's no big thing. Everyone likes to suck their own dick, or to at least try.
Jimmy: It's an LA night out. A guy sucking his own dick. What was the question again?

You see me, and then as soon as I talk you look at me because you're smart. You're smart. Pinkly! Pinkly! Pinkly! Haa, ohhh! (Matt comunica con il topino bianco di Syn)

Haha, look at Fred... He just wants to stuff her... (sempre a proposito di Pinkly)

Matt- “One time, when we were writing songs in my garage and Brian, fuckin', breaks a string on his guitar so he sets it aside, won't put a new string on it, gets another guitar, puts it aside, gets another guitar, breaks a string and puts it aside. Now he's out of guitars, so we can't even play anymore 'cause he won't put new guitars (<--ad una certa si è un po' confuso) on, so he goes “Well I'm gonna call, I'm gonna call Schechter and have them send me some new guitars", 'cause he won't put new strings on his guitar. So finally he takes all his guitars home, and it took him, like, two days to come back, with new guitar strings and have them tuned because he refuses to do it.”
Syn- “How do I learn how to tune these guys? Look.” SHOWS GUITAR “Not a regular guitar. It's fucking tremolo. Fuckin', that's an exact science.”
Matt- “But the funny point is, he wo- he didn't want to put on a string so bad, that he would rather have the guitar company send him brand new guitars, with knew strings on it then just put one guitar string on. Writing had to halt for a couple days because of that.” BRIAN LAUGHS

Hey Johnny, is that a good place for your water? Someone can trip and fall and DIE. Johnny Christ is never going to sing a song for us, so we might as well play one of our own... fucking dick. We can play a NOFX cover.. Does anyone here like NOFX? *crowd screams* Well I wanna hear all the people who hate NOFX right now. *crowd screams again* (concerto live Brixton Acadmey-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9vpwHW2l40)

Edited by Elianaxcore - 21/11/2010, 19:00
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